We have a couple forms that are used to compare changes over time (channel bed, condition ratings) of report values. Similar to how the previous report values are storied in the field history (or can be accessed via a report query) it would be helpful to add previous field values to a form to easily compare in an output PDF.
Can you confirm that my initial assumptions align with what you're thinking of:
We find the approved report with the "highest" Inspection Date (even if it's somehow in the future) for this asset
Do we need to only search for other reports of the same report type?
Do we need to search for reports of any report type?
If more than one approved report exists with the same Inspection Date, we use the one that was created most recently
Only the single report meeting the above criteria would be needed (not the second or third most recent report, etc.)
If there is no other approved report for the asset, the box is left blank
These special textboxes are read-only and are only usable on forms / report sections (these wouldn't be added to filters/queries, etc.)