We are in the process of de-customizing our system. one of the forms that is going to be difficult is the Inspection info page. This page has a lot of meta data stored on it. it would be helpful if we had access to these fields/data so that we could recreate them and fully de-customize our system. attached is a picture of some of the data that is part of the metadata.
Having this data exposed and available would make it you could query it and that could be very useful when determining workflows.
I Would like the ability to query when reports were moved to each stage in the workflow as well as who moved the report through each stage. Currently the report submittal control shows this on the Inspection Info form but the information cannot be queried. In addition, expose those metadata fields in forms designer so that they can be added to the Inspection Info form outside of the report submittal grid.
example 1: who moved report to each stage of workflow) metadata fields exposed in forms designer
example 2: currently exists on report submittal control but would like to be able to query this information for each stage of the workflow
This can be queried using the report fields section and you can add it to forms using the metadata controls.