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Status Will not implement
Created by Jim Maher
Created on Dec 27, 2021

The project status widget should show 4 slices of activity

Project Status widget needs 4 “slices” - Approved, Awaiting Approval, In Progress and “Not Started” or “No Report”

Widget data indicates reports are in progress, awaiting approval, and approved.

When we expand the widget data, we see that not all reports are part of this WS, so a more accurate statement/status would be "not started" or "no report"

  • Robert Pearson
    Dec 29, 2021

    Just my 2 cents, but I like the idea of showing the specific workflow stage a report is in, plus the option of "not started" or "no report". I think a more specific breakdown could be helpful (subcontractor review / prime review workflow stages - in progress or awaiting approval?).