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Status Planned
Created by Suzanne Hall
Created on Jan 18, 2022

Usability updates on maintenance query page

The options under additional filters have incorrect logic and do not display query results as expected.

  • Robert Pearson
    May 3, 2022

    What is the plan for this enhancement? We are concerned we'll lose access to Asset and Report fields in Maintenance queries - currently this is the only way to get those two datasets in the same place.

  • Robert Pearson
    Jan 21, 2022

    What would the logic be, then? Returning asset values or report values? If it is only report values, that may limit our ability to pull SI&A fields into our Maintenance queries, and as of now, that is the only way to mix "Asset Values" with "Maintenance Fields." Running queries can be very helpful when we are trying to get information about the bridge itself matched up with maintenance items in once place. Currently only a select number of asset fields are available in the maintenance filter which only leaves us with queries.