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Query & Filter

Showing 7

Add Asset History and Notes to Maintenance Queries

Add Asset History and Notes to Maintenance Queries - this would allow us to cross reference Asset History and Notes directly through a Maintenance Query (such as a Follow Up Action Query) without having to combine multiple query output
Robert Pearson over 1 year ago in Query & Filter 0 Future consideration

Add "Last Edit Date" to report filter

The report metadata for "last edit date" exists for report queries. This data would be helpful if it was available in the report filter page as well.
Robert Pearson over 2 years ago in Query & Filter 0 Future consideration

Management reports

it would be beneficial to have a future product function like a configurable widget or a new reporting package that is user configurable to provide aggregate data. It's as good way to look at what people are doing over time. With so many people te...
Kevin Vrchoticky almost 3 years ago in Query & Filter 1 Future consideration

widget configuration

it would make some of the dashboard widgets much more useful if there was some customization available for them. For example - the good/fair/poor widget - there is no way currently to know how its selecting the bridges to include. So I can't use t...
Jerry Smith almost 3 years ago in Query & Filter 0 Future consideration

Query Improvements

Selected columns to display in a query are very painful to move up and down the list. An easier method to change the order of the items would be helpful.
Kevin Vrchoticky almost 3 years ago in Query & Filter 6 Future consideration

Display number of photos attached to a maintenance item in a maintenance query info column

We would like to be able to display the number of photos attached to a maintenance item (as shown on the form) in an informational column on maintenance queries.
Robert Pearson about 3 years ago in Query & Filter 0 Future consideration

Display number of photos attached to a maintenance item in a maintenance filter info column

We would like to be able to display the number of photos attached to a maintenance item (as shown on the form) in an informational column on maintenance filters.
Robert Pearson about 3 years ago in Query & Filter 0 Future consideration