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Showing 90

Query Improvements

Selected columns to display in a query are very painful to move up and down the list. An easier method to change the order of the items would be helpful.
Kevin Vrchoticky almost 3 years ago in Query & Filter 6 Future consideration

Batch Print Inspections for Weather Events

During hurricane events we have to print our coastal bridges (typically 3 counties) for team packets to rapidly mobilize to check for damage such as scour, etc. Right now, the team spends hours selecting individual inspections and printing one-by-...
Andrew Lee about 3 years ago in  5 Future consideration

Syncing over Maintenance Items to BrM

Any DOT that is syncing over inspection data from AW to BrM. The modeling with BrM uses work candidates/orders. Currently the maintenance items are not synced over.
Andrew Bush about 2 years ago in BrM Sync 2 Future consideration

element query criteria/display columns

The element query type only displays condition state results. Before the element query type was created, a user could query element notes and other information with the element condition state quantities. For the element query, a user should also ...
Sarah Sondag about 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Repersist option should move to collector

We would like to allow read-only users to repersist previous reports, but cannot do that without giving them access to the administration module (which they do not need).
Susan Hines almost 3 years ago in Administration 1 Future consideration

Add an arrow to existing photo editing tools

We would like to be able to use an arrow to indicate channel flow on photos when editing.
Guest about 3 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Make bulk maintenance workflow change filtering configurable

Currently, the Bulk Maintenance Workflow Change filters are restricted to district, county, workflow stage, created by and completed by (not used by our agency), creation date window, and completed date window (not used by our agency). Some of the...
Robert Pearson about 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Management reports

it would be beneficial to have a future product function like a configurable widget or a new reporting package that is user configurable to provide aggregate data. It's as good way to look at what people are doing over time. With so many people te...
Kevin Vrchoticky over 2 years ago in Query & Filter 1 Future consideration

Use Asset Values for BrM sync

Submitting this to track progress on the development of the BrM sync to include an option for syncing asset values (as opposed to report values only). Considering the many off-cycle (non-report) changes that we must make to asset values, data bein...
Steven Builta about 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Add ability to reorder the (report creation) dropdown list for report types

There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to how report types are listed in the dropdown when you are creating a report. It would be nice to be able to configure/reorder the list of report types in the dropdown. Drag & drop would be ideal.
Kevin Vrchoticky about 3 years ago in  2 Future consideration